Beáta Tomčányiová

Beáta Tomčányiová - studied piano at the Conservatory in Žilina under Prof. E. Pittnerová and also the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava where she took lessons from the piano icon Prof. M. Lapšanský. During the 30 years since completing her studies Beáta Tomčányiová has continually been engaged in concert activities specializing in Chamber Music. Her concert repertoire includes performances of world-renowned piano trios and duets of classical masterpieces ranging from the Baroque to present day. In 2002 along with her colleagues, violinists Maria Farkašová and later Jana Csámpaiová and bassoonist/saxophonist Boris Červeňanský, Beáta Tomčányiová founded the Galantné Trio. The Galantné Trio have performed at classical festivals in many Slovak cities and abroad (Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy and The Netherlands). Throughout, Tomčányiová has remained dedicated to interpreting compositions by contemporary living authors.
In addition, her cooperation since 2009, with the well-known Slovak composer Víťazoslav Kubička has enriched the repertoire of the Galantné Trio with a number of new chamber works which they were privileged to premier at concerts in Skalica, Trenčín and Bratislava. Since 2013 she has partnered with the violinist Sandra Frátriková ,mezzo-soprano singer Jitka Sapara Fischerová and soprano singer Maria Taytaková. During the period 2010 and 2017 she organized the Galantské hudobne dni music festival. Her vocation and commitment to the arts is enhanced by her teaching career where her achievements include the graduations of many promising pianists, enthusiasts of classical music and professional musicians. Tomčányiová´s teaching career has included positions at the Sereď Art School, the D. Kardoš Private Conservatory in Topoľčany and the Joseph Haydn Art School in Galanta. Since September 2017 she has been a piano teacher and accompanist at the Music School of Mikuláš Schneider - Trnavský in Trnava.
Beáta Tomčányiová - piano